Home > Blossary: Beekeeping
A brief insight into bees and their colonies and products.

Category: Science

22 Terms

Created by: absit.nomen

Number of Blossarys: 5

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Istilah lebah ratu biasanya digunakan untuk merujuk pada orang dewasa, dikawinkan laki-laki yang hidup dalam koloni lebah madu atau sarang; Dia biasanya adalah ibu dari sebagian besar, jika tidak ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

Slumgum in beekeeping is the residue of the beeswax rendering process. When the beeswax from brood comb is rendered to produce clean wax, it leaves behind the pupal lining, wax moth cocoons, ...

Domain: Agriculture; Category: Agricultural produce

Bee bread pr bee pollen is a mass of pollen that has been packed by worker honeybees into granules with added honey or nectar.

Domain: Agriculture; Category: Agricultural produce

Beeswax is a natural wax produced in the bee hive of honey bees. Honey bees use the beeswax to build honeycomb cells in which their young are raised and honey and pollen are stored.

Domain: Agriculture; Category: Agricultural produce

Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive.

Domain: Agriculture; Category: Agricultural produce

Royal gelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of larvae, and as well as adult queens.

Domain: Agriculture; Category: Agricultural produce

Honey is a sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey bees (the genus Apis) is the one most commonly referred to, as it is the type of honey collected by ...

Domain: Agriculture; Category: Agricultural produce

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